Books Cargomar

1° Cargomar publications

Brief History of the Port of Naples

First volume dedicated to the city of Naples.
We dedicated the first volume to the symbolic place of our business, the Port of Naples and the first ten years of Cargomar’s life.

In the Volume we trace the history of the port starting from the Greeks to the Normans; from the Normans to Lepanto; and from Lepanto to the era of container ships. Inside there is an interview with the president and CEO of Cargomar, Vincenzo Minieri in which he describes our first ten years of life.

AuthorsGherardo Mengoni
Editorial coordinationstudiopaparo
Photographic ReferencesArchivio Paparo
2° Pubblicazioni Cargomar

Il Racconto di Piazza MErcato

“Il Racconto di Piazza Mercato” is the second volume of the collection that Cargomar pays homage to the city of Naples. The book was presented on December 15, 2017 in the splendid setting of Villa Signorini in Ercolano.

The presentation was attended by:
Vincenzo Minieri, CEO Cargomar
Prof. Pasquale Rossi, associate professor of History of architecture at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples;
Prof.ssa Paola Villani, professor at Suor Orsola Benincasa University;
Umberto Masucci, President of The International Propeller Clubs.


AuthorPasquale Rossi
AuthorPaola Villani
Editorial coordinationstudiopaparo
SpeakersUmberto Masucci, Pre. The International Propeller Clubs


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