Full Container Load – FCL

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Il trasporto merci containerizzato rappresenta uno dei principali punti di forza dell’azienda.
La sottoscrizione di accordi con i principali vettori marittimi consente alla Cargomar di garantire i migliori collegamenti fra i principali scali del mondo a tariffe altamente competitive.

Cargomar è in grado di gestire il trasporto delle più svariate tipologie merceologiche con l’ausilio di qualsiasi tipo di equipment attualmente disponibile:

  • Containers Box &High Cube;
  • Flat Racks, Platforms, Open Top;
  • Reefers;
  • GOH Containers (Capiappesi);
  • Flexi Tanks (trasporto liquidi sfusi);
  • ISO Tanks (Cisterne).

Per maggiori informazioni contattaci al numero +39 081 584 6569 o invia un email a sales@cargomar.it[:en][separator headline=”h1″ title=”Full Container Load – FCL”]
Containerized freight transport is one of the main strengths of the company.
The signing of agreements with the main shipping carriers allows CARGOMAR to ensure the best links among the main ports of the world at highly competitive rates.

CARGOMAR is able to manage the transport of the most various types of goods with any type of equipment currently available:

  • Containers & High Cube Box;
  • Flat Racks, Platforms, Open Top Containers;
  • Reefers;
  • GOH Containers (Hanging Garments);
  • Flexi tanks (Bulk Liquid Transport);
  • ISO Tanks (Tank).

For more information contact us on +39 081.584 6569 or email sales@cargomar.it[:es][separator headline=”h1″ title=”Full Container Load – FCL”]
El transporte exitoso containerizado representa uno de los principales puntos de fuerza de la agencia.
La negociación con la principal línea naviera permite a Cargomar garantizar los mejores tiempos de tránsito entre los principales puertos mundial y poseer tarifas altamente competitivas.

Cargomar puede gestionar el transporte de varias tipologías de mercancía contando con todo el equipo actualmente disponible:

  • Containers Box & High Cube;
  • Flat Racks, Platforms, Open Top;
  • Reefers;
  • GOH Containers;
  • Flexi Tanks;
  • ISO Tanks,

Para más información, póngase en contacto con el número +39 081 584 6569 o enviar un correo electrónico a sales@cargomar.it[:fr][separator headline=”h1″ title=”Full Container Load – FCL”]
Le fret conteneurisé est l’un des principaux atouts de l’entreprise.

La signature d’accords avec les principaux transporteurs maritimes permet à Cargomar d’assurer les meilleures connexions entre les principaux escales du monde à des tarifs très compétitifs.
Cargomar est capable de gérer le transport de divers types de marchandises à l’aide de n’importe quel type d’équipement actuellement disponible:

  • Containers Box and High Cube;
  • Flat Racks, Platforms, Open Top;
  • Reefers;
  • GOH Containers (Vêtements Suspendus);
  • Flexi Tanks (Transport de Liquides);
  • ISO Tanks (Tank).

Pour plus d’informations, s’il vous plaît appelez 39081584 65 69 ou envoyer un email à sales@cargomar.it

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